Acon Acoustica 7 Standard


Comprehensive Multi-track Audio Editor


paragraph: Acoustica is our solution for audio editing, post-production, podcast creation, mastering and audio restoration – with no compromises when it comes to audio quality and workflow. Whether you choose the fully featured Premium Edition or the budget friendly Standard Edition, you will get a fast and intuitive audio editor with an extensive set of high-quality processing tools and support for all common plug-in formats.

paragraph: You can easily set up the flexible user interface according to your needs. Meters and real-time analyzers can be docked to the main window along with other pane windows such as label and regions marker lists, the processing chain or the media file browser.

heading: New in Version 7.7,
list: Acoustica ARA plug-in now supports Pro Tools (AAX), 100 processing chain presets covering multiple instruments and styles., Speech recognition now optionally uses GPU for acceleration, New Speech Recognition Settings lets you manage and download models, New Installation Manager (not mandatory) simplifies downloading of Acon Digital products, New CART metadata support in wave files for radio automation, Improved copy and paste when using time-frequency selections in the spectral editor, ARA support (previously Premium-only), Spectral editing now included, Full Verberate 2 now included (only in app – not plug-in), Full Equalize 2 now included (only in app – not plug-in),
heading: Cutting Edge Tools based on Deep Learning,
paragraph: Both the Standard and Premium Editions include the Remix tool based on deep learning. Remix can split a complete mix in up to five stems, and you can adjust the stem levels independently in real-time. You can also import a complete mix into a multitrack session and let Acoustica create separate tracks for each stem automatically.

paragraph: Acoustica offers support for state-of-the-art audio resolutions up to 32 bit and sampling rates up to 384 kHz, ensuring that all of your work comes across at the highest quality.,
paragraph: High quality processing tools ranging from a new suite of dynamic processing tools to EQ and effects like reverb and chorus are integrated along with sample rate conversion, time stretching and pitch shifting. You can create chains of audio processors and apply or store them for later use. A powerful batch processor is included and VST, VST3 and AU (Mac only) plug-ins are supported.

paragraph: Mix audio from different tracks in real-time, insert audio effects or create cross-fades easily in multitrack sessions. You can loop or time stretch clips directly from the multitrack timeline and automate volume, pan and send levels.

paragraph: Integrated audio restoration tools help you get the most out of recordings impaired by background noise, clicks, crackle, clipping or missing high frequency content. The Premium Edition includes the plug-ins from our Restoration Suite and Extract: Dialogue.,
paragraph: Analysis tools such as spectrum, spectrogram and wavelet analysis are available. Real-time analyzers visualize your audio output (EBU R-128 loudness, level, spectral and phase correlation).,
heading: ARA2 and Host Integration,
paragraph: The Acoustica ARA2 plug-in included with the Standard and Premium Editions offers the complete functionality of Acoustica’s clip editor and can be seamlessly integrated into digital audio workstations (DAWs) with ARA2 support. The ARA standard removes the hassle of transferring clips back and forth between the host application and Acoustica, and DAW sessions are kept up-to-date automatically.

paragraph: A Transfer plug-in in the AAX format offers a quick and easy way to transfer audio clips for processing from Pro Tools to Acoustica – and back again.