Blue Cat Analysis Pack


DPMP,FreqA M&P, Osc M&P, Stereoscope M&P


paragraph: Get all the tools you need to measure, monitor, and understand the audio signal, and reuse these measurements to control other plug-ins or any MIDI controllable device.,
paragraph: Blue Cat’s DP Meter Pro plug-in will tell you everything about your audio levels. Blue Cat’s FreqAnalyst Pro and FreqAnalyst Multi plug-ins provide extremely smooth spectrum and frequency content analysis. Finally, the StereoScope plug-ins series let you visualize the stereo image of your audio content in details.

paragraph: While the ‘Pro’ plug-ins offer unique possibilities to create your own signal-controlled effects, the ‘Multi’ versions have unique multiple instances features to perform the analysis on several tracks or anywhere in a signal chain. Our audio analysis tutorials explain these capabilities in details.

paragraph: For more information about the 6 products included in this bundle, see the list below.

heading: Blue Cat’s DP Meter Pro,
paragraph: Blue Cat’s DP Meter Pro (DPMP) is a unique audio analysis tool that combines very flexible and customizable audio meters with advanced side chaining control capabilities thanks to its MIDI and automation outputs.,
heading: Blue Cat’s FreqAnalyst Multi,
paragraph: Blue Cat’s FreqAnalyst Multi is a unique multiple tracks real time spectrum analyzer: it lets you visualize the spectral content of several audio tracks on the same screen with extreme smoothness and high resolution, for both time and frequency.,
heading: Blue Cat’s FreqAnalyst Pro,
paragraph: Blue Cat’s FreqAnalyst Pro is a real time spectrum analyzer with advanced functionalities. It uses the same smooth algorithms as its little brother (Blue Cat’s FreqAnalyst free plug-in): it has been designed to provide extreme smoothness and high resolution for both time and frequency.,
heading: Blue Cat’s Oscilloscope Multi,
paragraph: Blue Cat’s Oscilloscope Multi is a unique multiple tracks real time waveform renderer and comparator: it lets you visualize the content of several audio tracks on the same screen and compare them thanks to its X-Y view.,
heading: Blue Cat’s StereoScope Multi,
paragraph: Blue Cat’s StereoScope Multi,
heading: Blue Cat’s StereoScope Pro,
paragraph: Blue Cat’s StereoScope Pro is a real time stereo field analyzer with multiple views and MIDI/automation output capabilities. It is a powerful help to analyze how the audio signal is spread in the stereo field, and you can easily detect potential phase and mono compatibilities issues.