Boom Creatures BUNDLE
CREATURES sound FX library comes packed with thousands of high-quality sound effects.
- Description
heading: THE BUNDLE – The best of both worlds,
paragraph: The Bundle gives you the full sound design power as it contains both – the DESIGNED and the CONSTRUCTION KIT,
heading: A sound fx beast packed with +7.600 raw source sounds,
paragraph: Our CREATURES CONSTRUCTION KIT offers you an extremely wide range of source sounds to create your own unique creatures. Included are more than 7.600 royalty free sound effects in over 1000 files, reaching from huge to tiny, low to high and soft to hard. This great collection of pre-edited source recordings contains basically everything you need to create any creature you have in mind. As a bonus, we included great movement sounds for the category “tiny”.,
heading: Super-high quality – ready to further pitch and process,
paragraph: Recorded and edited in 192kHz, provided in 96kHz, 24-bit, the possibilities to further pitch, stretch and process are vast. No matter if you want to create slobbery insects, ferocious orcs or giant dragons, you will find it in this library.,
heading: Pre-designed creature sounds to simply drag and drop into your project,
paragraph: Huge and rumbling beasts, tiny and nasty insects, brutal and slippery zombies: The CREATURES DESIGNED edition offers more than 300 royalty-free & ready-to-use sounds in 76 files. The collection consists of numerous sets of outstandingly evil creatures, with various different moods in each set.,
heading: 5 categories to conveniently pick from,
paragraph: The effects are provided in various sets of individual creatures, each including numerous states like calm, attack, hurt, tense, die. That makes it very easy for you to quickly pick the right sound for your scene.