
heading: Destruction sound fx – the baton for your own destructive masterpiece,
paragraph: Destruction belongs to the most versatile and multifaceted events in terms of sound design. There are so many different acoustic elements playing together to form a bigger soundscape that is finally so much more than the sum of its parts. Sound designing a proper devastation is more than just layering impact and explosion sounds, it’s like a symphony of destruction, like an organized chaos with a multiplicity of sounds.
Our extensive DESTRUCTION SFX library contains exactly the sounds you need to create your own destructive masterpiece.,
heading: The whole gamut of destruction right at the tip of your fingers.,
paragraph: You want to cause some epic havoc? Then the CONSTRUCTION KIT sound pack is your perfect companion for your own and unique sound design. You get a plethora of high-quality destructive source sounds.,
heading: Different materials – different destructive states,
paragraph: The CONSTRUCTION KIT contains various materials like glass, ice, metal, plastic, rock & wood in different states like stress, creak, impact, crack, break & smash. All this in different sizes and lengths to give you the greatest variety for your devastation.,
heading: Pre-designed and ready-to-use destruction sound effects.,
paragraph: As always, our DESIGNED collection provides you with ready-to-use, pre-designed sounds for instant awesomeness. You don’t have the time to build your own apocalyptic rampage? Our award-winning sound designers prepared this devastating pack of sounds for you, each of them a high-quality composition of destruction.,
heading: From tiny to huge – we’ve got you covered,
paragraph: Get ready for crashes and stress sounds of whole buildings, cars, glass, ice, metal, rock & wood – all of them in different sizes to perfectly fit your scene.,
heading: THE BUNDLE – The best of both worlds,
paragraph: The Bundle gives you the full sound design power as it contains both – the DESIGNED and the CONSTRUCTION KIT edition