Boom Mechanicals DESIGNED


the sound of mechanical processes. From simple clicking, sliding, rattling to complex machine.


heading: The sound of mechanical processes.,
paragraph: Our sound effects library MECHANICALS brings everything you need to easily design the sound of mechanical processes – from simple clicking, sliding, rattling or snapping to the most complex mechanical procedures like opening complicated vault doors and treasure chests. Your project features some huge machines, robots or powerful mechs? Then this SFX library is your creative tool box. We bring you the next essential addition to your daily sound design resources – as always delivered in top-notch audio quality that BOOM Library is renowned for.,
heading: Create complex mechanisms in light-speed,
paragraph: MECHANICALS DESIGNED will let you create fascinating and complex mechanical sound effects in just a few minutes. Complicated vault doors, secret mechanisms, clockworks, huge, small or tiny machinery, drawbridges, mechanical processes of any size, you name it. You don’t have time to edit single sound files to create a fitting mechanical sound process? No worries, we have already done this for you and we promise – these sounds will fit to your special needs.,
heading: Flexible & diverse sound options,
paragraph: MECHANICALS DESIGNED comes with more than 350 pre-designed and ready-to-use sounds organized by size (Large, Medium, Small, Tiny) in 96 files. Each file contains four often heavily alternating variations of the sound to give you more flexibility and less repetitive sound options. The sounds come as 96kHz/24bit WAV files, ready to further process them as you desire.