D16 Toraverb 2


Toraverb 2 is a versatile reverb plugin with multiple reverb types, modulation, and advanced control


heading: Pristine diffusion,
paragraph: A custom diffusing network of the highest possible quality based on modified all-pass filters.

heading: Early / Late mixer,
paragraph: Controls include L/R as well as Mid/Side domains, providing new spacial contouring capabilities.

heading: Modulated tail,
paragraph: From subtle movement to wild modulation, influence the diffusion network to make your tails smooth and musical – or don’t!

heading: Under the hood,
paragraph: Toraverb was never meant to be an emulation, approximation or a recreation. We did not implement any “off-the-shelf” algorithm or impulse response. Unlike a classic unit such as spring, room, hall or plate, Toraverb is a concept in its own right. Using a set of easily accessible parameters, it allows the user to create practically ANY type of algorithmic reverb. Our goal was to create something which would sound beautiful no matter where the knobs are.
paragraph: Reverb is a critical effect in a mix. A good digital reverb depends on the algorithms used and their implementation quality. Usually, reverb is used as a send effect in which many channels in a mix are routed to it. If a poorly designed plug-in or hardware unit is used, the end result is tinnier/muddier mixes, with reverb tails sounding like they’re being torn off inhumanely.