Hertz GainStage Pro


Gainstage Pro helps users set perfect recording levels by indicating which adjustments to make to t

SKU: 1178-3519 Category: Brand:


paragraph: GainStage Pro makes the confusing process of setting the recording levels in your DAW easy and fast.
paragraph: Is your signal level too high or too low?
paragraph: What meters to look at, and what numbers to use?

paragraph: With GainStage Pro you don’t need to worry about any of that. The plugin analyzes your signal and gives you a clear and intuitive graphical indication of whether your signal is too hot, too cold, or just perfect for recording. Just put GainStage Pro on the DAW track armed for recording and adjust the preamp gain on your audio interface accordingly.

paragraph: The plugin is compatible with every modern DAW like FL Studio, Ableton, Pro Tools, Cubase, Reaper, Logic Pro, etc.
paragraph: We’re giving away GainStage Pro for free only for a limited time!

paragraph: Don’t miss out and add this nice little tool to your arsenal.

paragraph: Perfect your signal level with GainStage Pro!

heading: What is Gain Staging and Why It Matters?,
paragraph: When recording audio—whether it’s guitars, vocals, synths, drum or bass—it’s crucial to get the recording levels right before you press “record.” Setting the correct gain level avoids problems like unwanted noise, digital distortion, and incorrect plugin responses. If your track’s volume is too low, boosting it in post-production will also amplify background noise. If the level is too high, you risk clipping, which distorts the audio signal. GainStage Pro is the gain staging plugin created to address these challenges, helping producers achieve clean, balanced recordings every time.

paragraph: GainStage Pro works with every major DAW, making it versatile and accessible. It offers clear, intuitive feedback on your signal level, guiding you to make the necessary adjustments directly on your preamp or audio interface. By placing GainStage Pro on the first slot of your DAW track, you’ll see whether your signal is too high, too low, or at the perfect recording level.

heading: Gain Staging for Beginners and Pros,
paragraph: We illustrate why it’s important to set your gain at the source—not in the DAW! This rule applies to recording any instrument. GainStage Pro gives you detailed, real-time feedback, catching subtle distortions that your DAW meters may not show, which helps you make necessary adjustments to the gain.,
paragraph: Using GainStage Pro as a gain control plugin ensures consistent results, which means plugins receive a balanced signal for optimal performance. For example, setting a “light saturation” or “hard compression” plugin preset will yield the intended effect without extra tweaking, as your signal level is balanced from the start.

heading: Top Benefits of GainStage Pro,
list: Simple Signal Control: GainStage Pro provides real-time level monitoring, showing if your signal is within the optimal range., Improved Plugin Performance: With properly balanced gain staging, your audio plugins respond more accurately, allowing your presets to function as intended., Maximized Headroom and Dynamics: Correctly set levels retain headroom and dynamics, which ultimately enhance the quality of your mix and master.