Modalics Groove Mastery Bundle


MINDst Drums and Beat Scholar in one package. Save 20%


heading: MINDst Drums,
list: Massive sample library & innovative algorithms keep your grooves sounding rich & authentic., Dozens of articulations, with added depth to Hi Hat and Snare., Freely updated collection of MIDI grooves & fills by world class drummers., Robust mixer with built-in reverbs & FX., Multi-out modes for pro level mixing,, Finely tuned drum sound, tight low end and smooth highs.,
heading: Beat Scholar,
list: Combine subdivisions to create rich, unique sounding rhythms in a few clicks., Place any drum on any beat, Beat Scholar gives you total freedom to create drum fills, linear grooves and easily place them anywhere., Add bars, change measures and beat values easily., Beat Scholar keeps you in musical context, encouraging experimentation and innovation.