Nightfox Audio Everything Acoustic


A stack of 10 unique acoustic instruments, recorded meticulously over the entire fretboard.


paragraph: Everything Acoustic is a stack of 10 unique acoustic instruments, recorded meticulously over the entire fretboard. Acoustic guitar, Mandolin, Ukulele, Baritone Ukulele, Fingerpicked Acoustic, 12 String, and more. It feels authentic, with fretbuzz and sonic irregularities intact, it’s real instruments in real spaces with all the functionality of a synthesizer with full effects.

paragraph: We decided to embrace the unpredictable qualities of acoustic instruments and take considerable effort to make sure we did each one justice, leaving in the fret buzz or the creak of the wood in our samples. We meticulously sampled each of them over the entire fretboard, at 3-5 unique velocities. Not only can you use them as solo instruments, but you can also blend all 10 in infinite configurations to create brand new hybrid tones.

heading: CREATIVITY,
paragraph: We build instruments that drive your creativity and nudge you towards innovation in your music. Nightfox Audio plugins are designed to let you stack up to 12 instruments to create brand new hybrid sounds within seconds, and then you can shape your tones with plenty of onboard fx so you can find inspiration quickly. All of our plugins have an arpeggiator and a melody builder that help you perform sounds you may not be able to recreate based on your skills and available instruments. These tools can unlock your creative potential so you can bring to life what’s been playing in your head.

heading: CHARACTER,
paragraph: We build virtual instruments with character. There’s something special about the way sound waves interact with strings and wood. Real instruments have unpredictable artifacts, overtones, and harmonics, so we retained all of those nuances to bring you a tool that inspires you to create something truly unique.

heading: QUALITY,
paragraph: At Nightfox Audio we believe virtual instruments should sound and feel like real instruments. That’s why we used the best mics and preamps, hired on the best session players, and we’ve sampled every key, string, and fret, with a full velocity range, so you have the power of a full recording studio with you wherever you go.