PSP StereoPack


Set of 4 PSP stereo plug-ins


paragraph: PSP StereoPack is collection of 4 plug-ins (VST, RTAS and AAX format for Windows; AudioUnit, VST, RTAS and AAX for Mac OSX and VST and MAS for OS 9). The set consists of: PSP PseudoStereo , PSP StereoEnhancer , PSP StereoController , PSP StereoAnalyser . These plug-ins are applied for creating, expanding, improving, controlling and analysing the image and quality of the stereo signal in single tracks or mixes thereof.

heading: PSP PseudoStereo,
paragraph: PSP PseudoStereo plug-in enables the conversion of the mono signal into a stereo one. Due to processor operation the mono signal gains features resembling a record performed by the use of a pair of microphones. This appliance proves particularly valuable when mixing MIDI material, when for instance percussion tracks need some depth and natural spatial effect. This plug-in enables the user to create the impression of “vigorous drums” based on mono samples. It can also be used for the purpose of re-mastering mono tracks.,
heading: PSP StereoEnhancer,
paragraph: PSP StereoEnhancer plug-in allows for the improvement of the stereo track spatial effect. Due to three processor operation modes optimal settings can be applied to any audio material. With the use of PSP StereoEnhancer the stereo sound of acoustic instruments as well as poor stereo archive tracks can be improved. This plug-in can also applied for the purpose of new music material mastering.,
heading: PSP&nbspStereoController,
paragraph: PSP&nbspStereoController is used for correcting stereophonic errors. This plug-in allows for removing basic errors such as: reverse signal phase or change of channels. It can also be used for effecting subtle changes into the stereo image. PSP StereoController is particularly helpful whilst mastering tracks performed in poor monitoring conditions.,
heading: PSP StereoAnalyser,
paragraph: PSP StereoAnalyser is used for measuring and estimating the correctness of the stereo signal. Apart from mean and peak measurement of L R or M S signal levels it allows for oscilloscope observation of stereo sound which reveals phase errors and lack of channel balance.