Sugar Bytes Aparillo
16-voice-unison textural Synth
- Description
paragraph: Aparillo is an advanced 16-voice FM synthesizer, tailored for majestic sonic motions. A clever arrangement of synthesis, wave shaping, filtering, FX and modulation unfolds into a serious sound design tool for epic sonic creation. Make sure to check out the Orbiter, a mass-controller for immediate, instant blockbuster sounding themes.,
heading: Synth,
paragraph: Two FM Operators give birth to waveforms so complex it’s like they have a life of their own.
paragraph: Different FM Complexity/ and Ratio Modes, Waveshaping, Folding, Formant Shifting, Complex LFOs and the Orbiter deliver sonic spectacles that are sure to blow you out of your seat.
paragraph: A modulatable Scale editor creates unbelievable unison spreads with the deepest of harmonic structures, stacking up to a 16 voice orchestra from another planet.
heading: Orbiter,
paragraph: Total control for an almost unlimited range of sounds.
paragraph: The Orbiter pulls strings throughout the engine putting all the power at your fingertips, with an XY pad to control a massive, record-ready engine.
paragraph: By mouse animation or position per note (128 different sound sounds from your keyboard!), you will discover exquisite sounds and create unbelievable sonic motions.
heading: FX,
paragraph: The effect section is a sound source in its own right. The Spacializer, a delay-based pitch resonator, can generate an additional synth layer per wave-guide synthesis.
paragraph: Besides the typical specialties like Comb and Vowel, the Multi-Mode filter dishes up the super-evil Dirt HP/BP/LPs, that bubble over with spectral grit.
paragraph: The Poly-Autopan, synced Delay, and our best Reverb yet, will add space and air to your precious audio produce.
heading: Modulation,
paragraph: The sole focus of the modulation lies on the diversity of the 16 independent synth voices. As freely definable layers of sound, they will unfold a vast sonic biotope.
paragraph: The Envelopes show off user definable slopes, looping modes, and polyphonic parameter modulation. The dual Complex LFO brings along some specialties like FM, Gravitation, Oneshot, S+H/Quantize, and the beautifully chaotic Collision Mode.
paragraph: The ARP is interwoven with the engine to pick, pluck and extract rhythmic and melodic structures.
heading: Sounds & Presets,
paragraph: More than 500 presets only give a glimpse of the full sonic potential. Aparillo will expand your sonic boundaries, inspire your imagination, and enhance your sound design expertise. Soon you will be creating spectacular sounds with just a few clicks. Your ears will thank you for it.
paragraph: More than 500 presets only give a glimpse of the full sonic potential. Aparillo will expand your sonic boundaries, inspire your imagination, and enhance your sound design expertise. Soon you will be creating spectacular sounds with just a few clicks. Your ears will thank you for it.
paragraph: “I’ve nicknamed it the cinematic machine. Everytime I randomize the Orbiter on a preset it reminds me of some movie – from fantasy to mystery to horror. It’s like a digital version of the Apprehension Engine.” Tom Cosm