UAD Guitar Amp Bundle


Included Plug-Ins: UAD Ruby ’63 Top Boost Amplifier, UAD Dream ’65 Reverb Amplifier, and UAD Lion ‘6


paragraph: Explore classic guitar tones at huge savings with the UAD Guitar Amp Bundle, giving you authentic plug-in emulations of three of the greatest tube amps ever made.
paragraph: Perfect for studio musicians and producers, you’ll get everything from shimmering American cleans to classic British crunch — the perfect choice for transforming ordinary tracks into something legendary.
heading: UAD Ruby ’63 Top Boost Amplifier,
paragraph: Explore the quintessential British valve amp tones beloved by bands from Queen to U2 to Radiohead*. The Ruby ’63 Top Boost Amplifier plug-in serves up everything from choirboy cleans to complex overdrive and classic vibrato effects. Plus you’ll get classic boost effects, room sound, and a collection of perfectly miked speaker cabs.

heading: UAD Dream ’65 Reverb Amplifier,
paragraph: Play through the essential American tube amp sounds beloved by artists and producers for more than 60 years. The Dream ’65 Reverb Amplifier plug-in perfectly captures the timeless sound and feel of a “golden unit” 1965 reverb amp — with its bold cleans, sweet tube breakup, and divine spring reverb and vibrato — along with built-in boosts, famous amp mods, and a collection of perfectly mic’d speaker cabs.

heading: UAD Lion ’68 Super Lead Amp,
paragraph: Experience the classic British amp sounds made famous by decades of legendary rock bands. The Lion ‘68 Super Lead Amp plug-in delivers the sound of three distinct 100-watt plexi amplifiers, so you can enjoy the same gorgeous cleans, aggressive breakup, and hot-rodded roar of the originals. Plus you’ll get classic boost effects, room sound, and a collection of perfectly mic’d speaker cabs.