UAD Manley® Variable Mu Limiter Compress


Add tube compression royalty to your mixes.


paragraph: As Manley Labs’ flagship compressor since 1994, the Vari Mu is a tube and transformer-driven classic that exudes handmade craftsmanship and is the gold standard among mixing and mastering engineers. The Manley Variable Mu Limiter Compressor plug-in gives your stereo buses or your entire mix the same clarity and cohesion as the high-end hardware.
heading: Easily Add Stunning Polish,
paragraph: Treat your source material with velvety-smooth gain reduction, while infusing warm harmonic content, free of audible compression artifacts with the Manley Vari Mu Limiter Compressor plug-in and add a variable gain compressor with stunning transparency to your studio.

heading: Enhance Tracks and Glue Mixes,
paragraph: The Manley Vari Mu Limiter Compressor plug-in can be used on single instruments such as bass or a lead vocal, or on subgroups like strings or horns. But its raison d’être is on the mix bus, where it can unify your mixes with a rich, hi-fi fit and finish.

heading: Polish your Mixes with Powerful Controls,
paragraph: Parameter linking allows simultaneous adjustment of both channels with stereo signals. When unlinked, the plug-in’s Mid/Side processing is improved over the hardware, giving you phase accurate stereo imaging. Use the High Pass Sidechain filter to reduce low-end pumping — letting you compress, say, overheads, while retaining punchy bottom-end. Dry/Wet Mix offers easy parallel compression — perfect for polishing vocals and more — while Headroom lets you optimize the Variable Mu’s overall level to your playback system.