UAD Studio D Chorus


An exacting emulation of the Roland Dimension D* introduced in 1979, the Studio D Chorus plug-in giv


paragraph: An exacting emulation of the Roland Dimension D* introduced in 1979, the Studio D Chorus plug?in gives you the “secret sauce” analog widening effects used by the likes of Stevie Ray Vaughan, Brian Eno, M83, and many more.
paragraph: Now you can give your guitars, drums, synths, and vocals the same stunning analog modulation textures of the iconic vintage rack gear — with the push of a button.
heading: Add Thickness and Width to Anything,
paragraph: Just like the vintage hardware, use Studio D Chorus’ push buttons in any combination for a colorful palette of subtle thickening. Engage all four buttons at once and you get a beautiful chewy modulation texture that works on any instrument.

heading: Create Movement and Interest,
paragraph: Make simple guitar/vocal arrangements sound deeper and more interesting, or quickly gel groups of strings and vocals — without compression, EQ, or reverb. For floating guitar textures and synth pads, the Studio D Chorus plug?in simply can’t be beat.