Waves Magma Springs


Spring reverb – 7 types, endless style.

SKU: 1178-2973 Category: Brand:


paragraph: Spring reverb is nostalgic, but timeless. It makes some things sound vintage, and other things sound fresh. Its metallic twang defined eras, and its boingy resonance adds a personal touch on mixes that you need to hear.

paragraph: Some reverbs melt into the mix. Others boast a distinctive character. Spring reverb does both. Once it’s on you can no longer imagine the part without it. This could explain its cult following since the 1950s.

paragraph: Magma Springs is a collection of our 7 favorite types of spring reverb – each one a peek into a world of style. Try them on any part, any genre, and imbue your tracks with unparalleled magic.

heading: 50’s,
paragraph: Each of the 7 types of Spring gave us the nostalgic feelings of a unique musical era. 50’s takes us back to the birth of Rock & Roll. Tap into the melancholic side of old Memphis Blues records with this type.

heading: Twang,
paragraph: Twang offers that Tele-into-Vox sound that simply can’t be described any other way. This type is also magical for electronic music, especially on analog synths and looping arpeggios.

heading: Motor City,
paragraph: This type has serious size and weight and epitomizes that ‘old-school’ Soul and R&B sound. (Tip: try this on drums for HUGE results.)

heading: Classic,
paragraph: Classic gives you that big, warm and versatile spring reverb sound that can make almost any element sit beautifully in the mix. It can sometimes sound like a smooth plate reverb.

heading: California,
paragraph: California is about maximum vibe. Its brighter tone makes vocals float gorgeously above the mix. Experiment with the tone controls on more brooding performances.

heading: Heavy,
paragraph: If you were to strum a Les Paul into a blown-out Fender cabinet in a large hangar, that would approximate the sound of Heavy. This Spring delivers a wonderfully thick cloud above any element.

heading: Dark Space,
paragraph: Based on a well-loved hardware unit, this spring reverb type is the essential sound of Dub, and will send any production element lightyears away.