Waves Maserati HMX


Keyboard enhancer by Grammy®-winning mixer Tony Maserati

SKU: 1178-2998 Category: Brand:


HMX from Tony Maserati (Beyoncé, Jason Mraz, David Bowie) brings new textures, ambience, and imaging to keyboard instruments—from acoustic piano to polysynths. Those same qualities can also augment other sound sources, like drums.

MODAL mode widens instruments and emphasizes harmonics and attacks, while BOUNCE mode creates energy and movement by combining reverb and delay. Both bring new life to keyboards.

“MODAL will make your piano wide, with just the right amount of chorus effect, to give it life and some magic on a vocal demo. BOUNCE will add a bit of reverb and delay, to create energy and movement for a sensitive ballad or live-ness to a funky full-band setting.”—Tony Maserati