Waves Renaissance Compressor


Classic, multi-application compressor and expander

SKU: 1178-2958 Category: Brand:


paragraph: The Renaissance Compressor revives the warmth that made vintage analog compressors great—with the transparency and additional features made possible only with modern software designs.

paragraph: As the gold standard for modern compressors, R-Comp brings clarity and definition, with the added versatility of classic opto or modern “electro” attack/release times.

heading: Choose Your Character,
paragraph: Maybe you like a smooth, “optical” character for vocals and bass. Or maybe you prefer the modern VCA sound for tighter, faster compression. Renaissance Compressor offers you the best of both characters.

heading: Compress Down—or Expand Up,
paragraph: Emphasize the snap of percussion, accent acoustic guitar strums, or make attacks more prominent—to give the excitement of upward expansion, Renaissance Compressor can set compression ratios lower than 1:1.

heading: Presets to Kick Start Your Projects,
paragraph: Explore dozens of presets from world-class producers and engineers including Michael Brauer (Coldplay), Greg Wells (Dua Lipa), Lu Diaz (Jay Z), and Dave Pensado (Justin Timberlake), and more.